Friday, September 12, 2014


I knew you as a friend so long ago,
I knew your smile, and the words that you
Whispered in my ear.
I knew your laughter, and the raised eyebrow,
That said so much without saying anything at all.
I knew you as a friend so long ago.

I knew you as a friend so long ago,
I knew your words, the messages you'd send,
And I knew when something
Might upset you, and cause you to stop still,
To pause and take stock.
I knew you as a friend so long ago.

I knew you as a friend so long ago,
I knew that I could call you, I knew
You would be there.
I knew your voice, and the soft touch of
Your hand on my arm.
I knew you as a friend so long ago.

Today I look around me, and I see you are not here.
No longer is your smile just round the corner.
I look to read your words, they no longer
Speak to me, I cannot call on you now
If I am lost or without hope. I knew you then,
But I do not know you now. Sometimes.
Sometimes. Sometimes I think of you, when
I hear the notes of a tune, or the soft indrawn breath
Of the morning's child. And often I think of you
As the sun sinks into its nighttime bed, and the world
Fades from gold to deep blue. Then,
And always then, I think of you.

You are legion, you are dead, you are alive,
Just born, and nearing the end.
You are everyman, and I have lost you.
But I will always think of you.

© 2ndwitch, 12/09/14

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