Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The road goes . . .

One foot, then one foot, then one foot, then one foot - -
So the journey begins.
Continues, and continues.
Hand held out by a small child, ignored.
Footsteps falter and stumble, but do not fall.
Hand held out by a small child, still ignored.
And the journey, begun, continues,
And continues, and continues.
A hopeful face as the hesitant teen glances round
And waits for someone to smile.
And waits, and waits, and waits.
The journey carries on, and on,
As, one step at a time, the young woman
Ventures to hold her head up high.
Pride, hard bought, ill fought, and fragile,
Vies for supremacy.
Sometimes it wins, and sometimes
It loses.
And still the journey carries on, the road
Now travelled winds and bends and twists,
Climbs the hill, then, when the top is reached,
Plunges down and down, but on, ever on.
And now she slows her steps to the pace of another
Who has joined her journey.
Together, perhaps, or apart, perhaps,
One day the journey will come to an end.
(c) 2ndwitch, (19 April 2011)


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